Anna Armentano Psychologist
Specialized in working with children and adults, offering Psychological Assessment, EMDR Therapy, Flash Technique, Counselling, Art Psychotherapy and Mindfulness
Offering a variety of psychological assessments, for both children and adults, including those who might be on the autistic spectrum. Service open to individuals and schools.
EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a particular technique for trauma work (primary or secondary). Available for both children and adults.
It’s a recently developed intervention to reduce disturbance associated with traumatic memories. It allows clients to process traumatic memories without feeling distressed.
Counselling is the most common “talking therapy” where you will be encouraged to explore your feelings and emotions in a neutral, non-judgemental space.
Is a way to express yourself by using art, because “a picture holds a thousand words”. No artistic skills are required but the willingness to engage is vital!
Will help with relaxation and meditation by you being aware of your feelings and senses in the moment. It will help to reduce stress by calming mind and body.
We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.
Albert Einstein
You can turn your life around today.
Invest in yourself for a better YOU Today!
Psychology, Counselling, EMDR, Art Psychotherapy or Mindfulness are available to support you in this journey. Everyone deserves a chance and I’m here to make it happen!

with my clients?
Frequently Asked Questions
The best time to begin any therapeutic intervention is when you feel READY to address any issue or difficulty or challenge that life may present you (past, present or ongoing)! Another good indicator is the inability to overcome the above by yourself, therefore, that means you need someone for support to guide you through this time. You DON’T need to struggle alone, reach out for support and and let’s see how I can help you! Invest in yourself Today!
This is a million dollar question that everyone is eager to know. The reality is that I don’t know because each client arrives with a different story, presentation, difficulties and needs. My priority is to evaluate all of those together and suggest a therapeutic intervention. Generally speaking it could be anything between a few months to a year, however, this is your personal journey and I can’t put an end time to it. WHY? Simply because this would create more preassure for you – as a client – to have to achieve something within a certain time. At assessment stage you – the client – can consider: short – medium – long term goals and from there we can agree – together – how to proceed.
Yes, all sessions are confidential. However, there is a “limit to confidentiality” and this is when you – the client – make a disclosure of harm to yourself or other people (past/present/ongoing).
As a professional, I’ve a “duty of care” to share information, therefore – to breach confidentiality – should I be concerned for your safety or the safety of others. If appropriate and safe enough, I’d always discuss things with you personally before taking any action.
Please note: these are very rare occasions but it can happen, therefore, it is important to understand this process.
I’m not a family therapist as such, however, when I work with children I always work with parents and schools (and/or other agencies involved). This is a very vital role to keep working together in order to support the child in therapy. Only by using the same shared strategies, support and intervention can we maximaze results in the best interests of the child. I believe, working together and share knowledge is vital to make progress.
Yes, you can! It’s your therapy and it has to feel right for you. However, I’d always recommend a final session to say goodbye and to evaluate the experience. Sometimes coming to an early “ending” can teach us both – the therapist and the client – something very valuable. I take every experience as unique and if you don’t feel it’s the right time or modality, we can openly discuss this and I’d be more than happy to make further recommendations if appropriate.
This is very difficult to judge at the beginning not knowing the whole history. I always recommend following medical advise on medication as I’m not a GP and I don’t have a qualification in medicine. However in consultation with your GP, it is possible to wean off medication after a period of counselling or any other therapeutic intervention if you feel it’s right for you and you have resolved the issues that brought you to therapy in the first place.
Let me begin by telling you that the definition of “normal/normality” is very personal, therefore, what’s “normal” to you might not be for someone else and viceversa. I believe, you can go back to what you were doing before – hopefully – with an increased level of awareness, resolved difficulties, better understanding of self and a wider range of “tools” to use when needed.
My results
Don’t be afraid to fail!
A successful therapy is based on relationship and therapeutic alliance, rather than qualifications and titles!
Professional Registrations

+44 (0) 7563600799